Religions, philosophies and political ideologies differ from each other in the ways how they name the targets of their belief, and how strongly these ideas are tied in the minds and behavior of the followers.

Fundamental religious ideas are generally proposed as necessary tickets out of this limited life to an eternal state, often called Heaven. This idea stands just as a sign of mental pressure which an organized religion uses to govern the minds of people, instead of leading their hearts towards God.

An individual religious mind is supposed to search for solid harmony and balance behind all temporal and chaotic things. This journey is executed by an individual way. Some people prefer mental activities, whereas to others sentimental devotion is natural. Many people choose active charity and concrete work in solitude or in a monastery.

It is a crime against humanity to define too strict boundaries and limitations for the thinking and behavior of people. This procedure serves as a means to strengthen the identity of a community, but it is very seldom good equipment in lifting up the general collective standard of mental and spiritual life.

The limitation of thoughts as solid forms of thinking and behavior is very characteristic for a human being. Negative consequences rise from the tendency of forcing others to accept the fixed ideas by using the power of masses or social pressure. Many of the so called holy wars, not to talk about common ones, have got their first sparks out of limitations of thinking.

Even the earliest communities built up walls around their villages and towns to protect against outer threats. That was all natural. But the building of walls in mental affairs to avoid conflicts is not all together a necessary human feature, on the contrary, it has been the source and main factor of numerous religious and political wars.

If a human mind is limited and forced into strict patterns – how could it ever be free? A human being should at least stand and accept himself, so that he does not flee from his inner and outer challenges. Facing them helps a person to tolerate other people as well.


Skeptics might say that talking about abstract and immaterial truths and spaces of living tells only about a common will to avoid unpleasant concrete things. Some people begin to construct and move things into imaginary level if the concrete ones are not satisfied and easily achieved.

It is certain that everyone believes in something,  otherwise  one just pretends to be completely free from all believes, but in fact most part of the content of a human mind is filled with relative inherited thoughts and patterns accepted right from ones environment.

There exist no absolute religious acts that in themselves contain ultimate life. The meaning of forms, sermons and other patterns comes out in the features that they later on develop into the mind of an individual human being – and through individuals into the collective conscience of mankind.

Natural selection or the survival of the fittest aims at a better adaptation into life in general. The same principle could stand in immaterial levels as well, so that an individual mind tends in time to accept and adapt forms that benefit life.

Maybe there is no need to bend into any fixed ideas. Why don’t we just do our best and acknowledge truth as soon as we run afoul of it – as long as we’ll find a more suitable form of truth for ourselves?

We can certainly set our final goal even to eternal level, but we should keep our heads cool enough not to think that we have reached the goal right after our first step.

The dynamics of life will take care of the fact that, in spite of fluctuations, stupidity will gradually give away to growing wisdom.